Success! Library Parks Pass Funding Saved | Cal Parks
Published: July 12, 2024

California State Parks Foundation has been fighting for additional State Library Park Pass funding  since January when we first learned the funding would end after this year. Over 5,000 advocates signed petitions and contacted their legislators directly asking for funding for the pass to be restored, and your efforts paid off! Funding for the California State Park Adventure Pass and the Golden Bear Pass, two other passes that provide free access for specific groups, was also preserved.  

At California State Parks Foundation, we know that the cost of entry can deter individuals and families from experiencing the natural wonders within state parks, thereby excluding them from the numerous physical and mental health benefits, educational opportunities, and recreational activities that these spaces offer. To bridge this gap, initiatives to reduce or waive fees for low-income communities are a priority. 

That’s why we launched our Pathways to Parks initiative in 2018, an initiative that led to the creation of the California State Library Parks Pass, the California State Park Adventure Pass, and the expansion of the Golden Bear Pass to include clients of CalWORKS and other programs providing support to low-income Californians.  

A gathering with the First Partner and Youth in Los Angeles to discuss increasing outdoor access for underserved youth as a public health solution.

For the Library Pass, specifically, the budget now allocates $6.75 million to cover the full cost (including administrative costs) of the program for one more year. This means that there will be passes in libraries for any library card holder to check out through December 2025. After that, however, the program could still be in jeopardy if a permanent funding source is not identified.  

The journey to secure funding for the California State Library Parks Pass has been a long and determined effort. Since the inception of the Pathways to Parks initiative, California State Parks Foundation has worked tirelessly to advocate for equitable access to state parks. The program began with the vision of removing financial barriers to ensure that all Californians, regardless of income, could experience the natural beauty and health benefits of our state parks. Through continuous advocacy, collaboration with community partners, and the unwavering support of our members and advocates, we have made significant strides. 

In 2021, the pilot program for the Library Parks Pass was launched, providing free access to state parks for library cardholders across the state. The success of this pilot underscored the public demand and the positive impact of such initiatives. The Foundation's persistent efforts, alongside the voices of thousands of advocates, played a crucial role in securing the initial funding and the subsequent extension. 

California State Library Parks Pass and backpack available for checkout.

California State Parks Foundation is deeply grateful to the Governor and Legislative leadership for listening to constituents and identifying funding for this popular and effective park access program. However, the fight is not over. As we look toward the future, we remain committed to securing a permanent funding source to ensure that these vital programs continue to thrive. 

Thank you to everyone who signed petitions, contacted their legislators, and supported our efforts. Your dedication and passion make a difference, and together, we will continue to work towards a future where everyone can enjoy the unparalleled beauty of California's state parks. 

For more information about our long fight for this program and other related initiatives, please visit our Pathways to Parks timeline.  

While we have already mentioned that the current funding for the California State Library Parks Pass will only cover the program through December 31, 2025, it's important to emphasize that our work is far from over. To secure the future of this essential program, we must continue our advocacy efforts and stay vigilant.

We encourage everyone to stay informed and engaged by signing up for our emails. This will ensure you receive updates on the latest actions and opportunities to help protect and expand access to our state parks. Your participation is vital in preserving these invaluable resources for all Californians.